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Saturday, January 6, 2018

How to Identify any Music or Song With Google Assistant on Android device

Identify any Music or Song With Google Assistant

Let’s have a look at the method to Identify Music With Google Assistant that will listen to the music around you will search in the online database and you will get details of that music. So have a look at complete guide discussed below to proceed.

The method is quite simple and easy and you just need to follow the simple step by step guide discussed below to proceed.

Google Assistant works a lot like Google Now where the Mic of your device is used for the very purpose of getting the sound for the commands and for various other tasks like identifying the music tracks etc. Note that if you are using the Google Assistant you will require having the live internet connection over your device. This is required because the function will look around the whole network database so as to seek for your answers. Once you have all of these things fulfilled then please skip ahead to next step.

Step 1

Whenever you are listening to the music which is not known to you and you are now willing to get it, simply launch the Google Assistant and then say ” What am I listening to?” or simply say ” What song is this?“. Soon after hearing this command the Google Assistant will come into action and this will start to listen to the music for some time.

Identify any Music or Song With Google Assistant

Step 2

After that the assistant will then start to look around the whole database on the network for identifying the same name and the information for the music track. Once found you shall be presented with the accurate information about the music. Using that information you could then be able to download or listen that music on your device. That’s all the magic of the simple command to the assistant on your device

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